President’s Message – March 27, 2023

Dear ACER-CART Colleagues,

Spring is here, at least as far as the calendar is concerned. Mother Nature seems reluctant to let go of winter in many parts of our country; however, slowly but surely, warmer weather will arrive.

Our current Canadian political climate also has mixed signals – signs of hope with the new federal dental program and the aging-in-place survey; however, there are also too many signs of increasing privatization of health care services.

ACER-CART and each of our Provincial and Territorial Associations, exist not just to promote the interests of our own members, but also to enhance the lives of all Canadian seniors.

The devastating impact of the recent pandemic on seniors, along with the past and present Grinch-like attitudes of some of our political leaders, graphically demonstrates the need for ACER-CART to intensify our efforts, as we work in partnership with other like-minded organizations.

Therefore, our main priority in the coming year is to advocate for the ability of all seniors to age, as much as possible, in the comfort and security of their own homes.

Working together, we can help to further a National Seniors’ Strategy that will enable seniors, wherever they live in Canada, to truly enjoy their golden years.


Martin Higgs,