Belief Statements


  1. Definition
    ACER-CART Belief Statements are statements, or the official stand being taken by our Association regarding the actions being taken or contemplated by outside parties such as governments, corporations, organizations, or individuals. They are also the beliefs of our Association concerning priority issues we wish to promote for the well-being of our members.
  2. Adoption, Amendments, and Deletion of Belief Statements
    1. Belief Statements may only be adopted, deleted, or amended by resolution of an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
    2. If during the year, the Executive resolves to amend, suspend or delete a Belief Statement because its retention would cause or be likely to cause harm to one or more Members, it shall be reported and shall be voted on at the next AGM.
    3. Any adoption or amendment shall be recorded in this Handbook, and the date of changes or reaffirmation shall be added as part of the record.
    4. Belief Statements remain in force until amended or deleted.
    5. The Directors shall review Belief Statements every five years.

Download the Belief Statements in PDF Format

Click on the title below to read the content of that section.


A-01 Pension and Retirement Income
A-02 Representation on Provincial Pension Boards and Committees
A-03 Tax Credit Increase


B-01 Health Care in Canada
B-02 Long-Term Health Care
B-03 Not-for-profit Residential Care Facilities
B-04 National Pharmacare and Pharmaceutical Formulary


C-01 Support and Assistance to Active Teachers’ Organizations
C-02 Support for Humanitarian Organizations