Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

ACER-CART is a national organization, dedicated to providing leadership to its community of Members and to forging relationships with like-minded groups to promote objectives on behalf of retired teachers and other seniors.

Mission Statement
ACER-CART is an engaging, inclusive and caring community accountable to its membership. It is the national voice for retired teachers, responsive to the needs and concerns of its Members and committed to excellence.

Strategic Goals
Members are specific about the direction ACER-CART should take in terms of its priorities and goals. It is also evident that when these priorities and goals are very similar to those of other like-minded organizations, joint efforts are a possibility.

A. Political Advocacy
ACER-CART strives to ensure that the voice of retired teachers is heard and that issues of concern are addressed.

• Monitor the Federal Government’s actions and pronouncements on health care, pensions, and other senior concerns.
• Put forth positions on the issues important to ACER-CART.
• Continue our dialogue with like-minded groups.
• Continue to foster a multi-faceted advocacy strategy.

B. Health
ACER-CART seeks to promote the optimal health of retired teachers and seniors.

• Expand Members’ links to reliable information on health.
• Maintain collaboration with groups that share similar health objectives.
• Continue to promote the McMaster University Optimal Aging Portal.
• Continue to advocate for high national standards in health care, a National Pharmacare Plan and a National Formulary with affordable pharmaceutical prices.
• Lobby for a national seniors health care strategy to include home care, improved access to palliative care, and federal support for innovative thinking and improvements to long term care.
• Advocate for a new and improved Health Accord.

C. Communications
ACER-CART believes in effective communication with and among its Members.

• Continue regular communication through the ACER-CART newsletters, publications, website, and reports.
• Continue regular concise messages to our Members.
• Promote and facilitate collaborative communication among Members.

D. Pensions and Income Security
Adequate pensions and income security are a necessity for all Canadian seniors.

• Continue to put forth positions on the provision of fair national pensions.
• Continue to promote and to protect defined benefit pension plans as the vehicle for retirement security.
• Monitor pension trends that potentially may affect its Members.

E. Conditions of Success

ACER-CART will promote conditions that:
• Continue to encourage involvement in ACER-CART committees.
• Focus on and continually revisit priorities.
• Continue to promote and model inclusiveness.
• Maintain co-operation and collaboration with other groups on issues of similar concern.
• Continue to work on being a respected voice of seniors at the national level.
• Continue to foster a positive relationship with Johnson, Inc. and the Canadian Teachers Federation.
June 1, 2016