Nov 2 – President’s Message

November 2, 2023

Fellow ACER-CART Directors and Members:

On October 19, 2023, Martha Foster, Chair of the RTOERO Board of Directors wrote a letter to ACER-CART stating:

“I am writing to inform you, after considerable discussion and due consideration, that the Board of Directors of RTOERO approved a motion, at its meeting on October 4, 2023, to withdraw our membership and associated funding in ACER-CART effective January 1, 2024.”

At a special Executive meeting convened on November 1, 2023, the resignations were accepted from Martin Higgs (President) and Martha Foster (Ontario Representative). The following motion was approved :

Effective November 1, 2023, and for the remainder of 2023-24 the ACER-CART Executive will consist of:

President – Bill Berryman (RTO-NSTU).
Eastern Representative – Sharon Penney (RTANL)
Western Representative – Marilyn Bossert (ARTA)
Past-President – Gerry Tiede (BCRTA)
Roger Régimbal will continue in his role as Executive Director.

The current Executive emphatically believes that ACER-CART can continue to be a strong and effective organization with sufficient investments and annual dues from the eleven Members. Since the preparations are already in place, the Annual General Meeting will take place in person in Ottawa on June 6–7, 2024.

The current Executive continues to work on your behalf, discussing changes to the corporate documents, possible changes in the governance structure and how we might move forward as a vibrant and effective voice in advocating for retired teachers and seniors at a national level in Canada. Our committees will soon begin their important work with adjusted membership.
The postponed November Director’s meeting will be rescheduled early in the new year.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Berryman