
4.01 The Members of ACER-CART are

a)     Alberta Retired Teachers Association (ARTA);

b)     British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA);

c)      New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers (NBSRT);

d)     Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers Association (PEIRTA);

e)     Quebec Association of Retired Teachers (QART);

f)       Quebec Provincial Association of Retired School Educators (QPARSE);

g)     Retired Teachers’ Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (RTANL);

h)     Retired Teachers’ Association of Manitoba (RTAM);

i)       Retired Teachers Organization of the Nova Scotia Teachers  Union (RTO-NSTU);

j)       The Retired Teachers of Ontario/Enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l’Ontario (RTO/ERO);

k)      Société des enseignantes et enseignants retraités francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (SERFNB);

l)       Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan (STS); and

m)    Yukon Retired Teachers’ Alumni (YRTA).


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