Message from the President – September 25, 2024

I sincerely hope that everyone had a relaxing and joyful summer with family and friends. Summer is that special time for rejuvenation and “recharging the batteries” as we head into another busy year.

Welcome to our new members who have retired over the past year and joined one of our eleven organizations. I hope you will take the time to follow the ACER-CART news and participate in the activities within your organization.

ACER-CART had a very successful Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Ottawa on June 6–7, 2024. I want to thank the twenty-five participants—Executive, Directors, Alternates, Executive Directors, for their active participation in the AGM business, the respectful conversations and their camaraderie. We welcome Katherine Snow (QPARSE), Helen Sukovieff (STS) and Lawrence Hrycan (ARTA) to the expanded Executive. A word of thanks goes out to Roger Régimbal, ACER-CART Executive Director, and the folks at the Canadian Teachers Federation for the superb organization of the event.

Delegates attending the AGM agreed that the organization needs to focus on one priority and that is “Aging in Place.”  They strongly support the strategy in advocating for a public health care system which prioritizes supported care in one’s home in their own community for as long as possible. Another strategy approved was that members be properly supported in their efforts to achieve financial stability to enable aging in the right place in order for seniors to remain in the communities they know.

ACER-CART will continue to closely monitor the progress of Bill C-64 “An Act Respecting Pharmacare” as the debate continues in the Senate. We are hopeful that a national formulary of essential prescription drugs and related products will now be part of a national bulk purchasing strategy.

The Health Services Committee continues to advocate for an expansion of membership in the Canadian Dental Care Plan. It is not acceptable and discriminatory in that some of our elderly retirees with small pensions cannot access the plan if they dropped their group insurance benefit due to cost and are now deemed ineligible to join the CDCP.

As President I have made a commitment to meet three times over the next year with the Directors, Alternates and Executive Directors. The purpose of these meetings will be to collaborate and solicit their input on up-to-date information emanating from our five standing committees.


Have a great 2024–25.

Bill Berryman

President ACER-CART