
9.01 The Board or AGM may:

a)     Establish Standing Committees and/or ad hoc Committees.

b)     Ratify their Terms of Reference.

9.02 The Executive may:

a)     Establish ad hoc Committees.

b)     Appoint their Chairs.

c)     Ratify their terms of reference.

9.03 Committees shall:

a)     Receive and act on proposals and referrals from the AGM, the Board and/or the Executive Committee.

b)     Report to the Board, AGM and the Executive Committee with recommendations.

c)     Present an annual Committee Report to the Executive Committee, the Board, and the AGM.

9.04 The Standing Committees of ACER-CART are:

a)     Communications Committee.

b)     Health Services Committee.

c)     Legislation Committee.

d)     Nominations and Elections Committee.

e)     Pension and Retirement Income Committee.

f)       Political Advocacy Committee.


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