Dissolution of ACER-CART

In the event that the ACER-CART is to be dissolved, the following procedures shall be followed:

18.01 A Notice of Motion, at the preceding Annual General Meeting, shall be given that a motion will be introduced to dissolve ACER-CART at the next Annual General Meeting and the date of its termination specified.
18.02 After the motion to dissolve has been introduced and seconded, arguments for and against the termination shall be fully debated.
18.03 A motion to terminate the association requires the support of not less than two-thirds of those present and qualified to vote. The Chair shall inform the members of this requirement prior to the vote.
18.04 Should the motion to terminate pass, at the same meeting, a motion must then be passed giving to the executive, or a special committee appointed for the purpose, the authority to put the termination resolution into effect. This entails disposing of any assets, physical goods (ledgers and other books, formal records, etc.) or of money. Provision will be made for the safekeeping of records. The Members will approve a procedure for the disposal of whatever funds and assets there are after all bills have been paid.
18.05 Should complications arise in the winding-up process, legal advice and assistance will be sought. Winding up of ACER-CART will comply with statutory procedures for an incorporated body.

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