

ACER-CART is administered by the Executive, Board of Directors, and Committees according to the Bylaws, Articles and Policies established by the organization.

The 2024-26 ACER-CART Executive committee
welcomes the challenges as a powerful voice for retired teachers
and seniors at a national level in Canada.

Executive Committee


Bill Berryman, President

Bill, a past president RTO-NSTU, brings substantial knowledge of national issues after serving on ACER-CART for the past ten years as past president, president, vice-president, and regional representative for the East. In 2022, he once again accepted the position of ACER-CART vice-president and assumed the office of president in the fall of 2023. He looks forward to the challenge of providing a strong and effective voice for a rejuvenated ACER-CART that will be advocating for retired teachers and seniors.

Marilyn Bossert, Vice President

Marilyn, a past president of ARTA, attended her first ACER-CART AGM as an observer in 2018. Since 2019, she has served as a regional representative for the West and as ACER-CART Communications chair. She brings more than ten years experience with the ARTA Communications committee and continues to serve as assistant editor of the ARTA magazine. Marilyn believes that the combination of advocacy and communications empower a strong national voice for seniors.

Sharon Penney,  Eastern Officer

Sharon’s first foray with ACER-CART was as an observer in 2018 and she has been involved continuously since then. In 2023 she joined the ACER-CART executive as the regional representative for the East and has served diligently as chair of the ACER-CART Health Services committee. Currently she is also the RTANL President. She feels ACER-CART’s role is enhanced by the strength of our united voices. “It is when we speak as one, we realize benefits for us all.”


Katherine Snow, Eastern Officer

No stranger to ACER-CART, Katherine has attended ACER-CART AGMs as observer for two years and as QPARSE director for three years.  She brings her experience as QPARSE president for the past four years and as a representative to ECRTO.  Currently, she is a member of the ACER-CART Political Advocacy committee.  Katherine believes in “making a difference” in the lives of others. 

Helen Sukovieff, Western Officer

Helen began her journey with ACER-CART as an observer at the 2020 AGM.  For the last three years, she has served as the STS director and continues to contribute as a member of the Health Services committee. Helen brings her experience on Saskatchewan’s provincial executive since 2013 as a councillor and member-at-large. She believes that if members from across the country work together, we will have a strong voice for all seniors in Canada.

Lawrence Hrycan, Western Officer

Lawrence has been the ARTA director to ACER-CART since 2018. He is currently the chair of the Political Advocacy Committee and has been a member for the past 4 years. A member of the ARTA’s Executive (Treasurer), he also brings experience from his role of chair of ARTA’s Strategic Planning and Advocacy Committee.   Lawrence believes in working for the betterment of all seniors across Canada and is excited to be on the executive of an organization that works towards this.

Gerry Tiede,  Past President

Gerry has been actively involved with ACER-CART since 2012, contributing as BCRTA past president, director, regional representative for the West, ACER-CART vice-president, president, and past president.  He has been an invaluable asset to the ACER-CART Pension and Retirement Income committee as he brings his extensive experience with the BC Teachers Pension Plan and the BCRTA Pension & Benefits committee. In his words, “Please join us as we speak, not just the retired teachers but for all seniors in Canada.” 

Executive Director

Roger Régimbal 

Roger has been executive director for ACER-CART since 2012. He is an active member of RTOERO serving many years as District treasurer, provincial Pension Committee and Health Committee. Roger brings his 35 years’ experience as a union and a community leader to ACER-CART for the benefit of seniors across Canada.